Shahrukh Khan the romantic handsome actor was recently seen in the Pathaan movie. He will be next seen in the Jawan movie. He is working with Atlee director who has directed Bigil, Theri, Mersal, and many other films. The film was announced in 2021. The movie also stars Vijay Sethupati, Nayanthara, Sanya Malhotra, Sunil Grover, […]

Shah Rukh Khan was recently seen in Pathaan’s movie With Deepika Padukone and John Abraham. It grossed 1,050.3 crores at the box office. He will be next seen in the Jawan movie. The movie is directed by Atlee and produced by Gauri Khan. It stars Vijay Sethupati, Nayanthara, Sanya Malhotra, and Priyamani. The music is […]

Nayanthara is the most talented actress in the South Industry. She has acted in Tamil, and Telugu films. She was recently seen in Kaatu Vaakula Rendu Kaadhal. Today she got married to Vignesh Shivan who is an Indian film director, film producer, actor, and lyricist who works in Tamil cinema.  They were in a 7-year […]