
The film tells the story of Srikanth Bolla, an Indian Entrepreneur who gained prominence as the founder of Bollant Industries. The company created in 2012 is a groundbreaking enterprise that provides employment opportunities for unskilled and differently abled individuals to create eco-friendly products. The film chronicles the struggles of Srikanth, who was born visually impaired in 1992 in Seetharamapuram village in Machilipatnam i. The film shows his struggles from childhood, there is a line ‘mai bhaag nahi sakta, sirf lad sakta hun’ meaning (‘I can’t run away, I can only fight’). The film exemplifies an extraordinary narrative of perseverance and achievement by Srikanth, including filing a court case to study science as a subject, despite scoring 98%; to getting selected as the first international visually impaired student at Massachusetts Institute of Technology y after being denied entry into Indian Institute of Technology