- Agha, Bipin Gupta, Raaj Kumar, Rajendra Kumar
- S.S. Vasan
- Family, Musical, Romance
- February 22, 1961
- Hindi
- 7.2
Businessman Rai Bahadur Ramdas lives a wealthy lifestyle in a mansion along with his wife, Shanta; two sons: Kailash and Kamal; Kailash’s wife, Sita; and widowed Gauri, the wife of his late son and mother of two children, Gappu and Pappu. Kamal runs the business and ensures that everyone is happy – albeit in vain, as his mother physically and mentally abuses Gauri and Sita, while pampering her married daughter, Bhairavi, to no end, and even permitting her to leave her husband, Sarang, and live in their house. Sita gets pregnant, and Kamal, rather dramatically gets married to Usha Gupta, the daughter of wealthy Advocate Shyam Lal Gupta. Then things rapidly deteriorate after jewelry goes missing and Kailash is seen with another woman, and refuses to return home. Nothing will prepare the family for the shock and trauma when they find out the reason why Kailash has moved out.