Karan Johar the famous filmmaker is celebrating his 50th birthday. Last night there was a  small party in his residence in Bandra where Gauri Khan, Maheep Kapoor, Ayan Mukerji, Farah Khan, Apoorva Mehta, Seema Kiran Sajdeh were seen attending the party. He will be hosting a grand party at Yash Raj Studios for his 50th […]

Bhumi Pednekar was recently seen in Badhaai do with RajKumarRao. Currently, she is working with Arjun Kapoor for her next movie  The Lady Killer. It is produced by Bhushan Kumar, Krishan Kumar, and Shailesh R Singh, the Ajay Bahl directorial is presented by Gulshan Kumar and T-Series in association with Karma Media and Entertainment. Arjun […]

Ayushmaan Khurana is the best actor in the Bollywood industry. He has been awarded many times for his performances. Ayushmann Khurrana is all set to entertain his audience yet again with the action-thriller film Anek directed by Anubhav Sinha who also co-produced it with T-Series.The film stars Ayushmaan Khurana, J.D Chakravarthy, Andrea Kevichüsa, Manoj Pahwa, […]