Ek Villan Returns film running successfully in theatres and crossed 31 crores at the box office.
Ek Villan Returns film was released on 29th July.It stars Arjun Kapoor, Tara Sutaria, John Abraham,Disha patani. It is directed by Mohit Suri and produced by Ekta Kapoor, Shobha Kapoor, and Bhushan Kumar under the banners Balaji Motion Pictures and the T series.
It is running successfully in theatres. On the first day, it crossed 7 crores at the box office and on the 2nd day, the film collected 9 crores. On August 1st it crossed 31.62 crores in India.
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Check out the reviews for the movie here.
Ek Villan Returns: Arjun Kapoor Feels Overwhelmed As Housefull Board Shines Outside Cinema Hallshttps://t.co/FvWG5nPlXy
— Mid Day (@mid_day) August 1, 2022
Just saw #EkVillanReturns What a Movie. It was beyond expectations like it’s predecessor #EkVillain. A gripping thriller by #MohitSuri which kept you till the end & it’s commendable! Music, Acting, Action Emotions, Suspense,Twists everything was top notch💯 #EVR @mohit11481 3.5🌟 pic.twitter.com/ln5ESLcRMR
— Tushar Khilani (@tushar_khilani) July 30, 2022
superb work done by @TheJohnAbraham in ek villan return
— Nikhil Dudhale (@nikhildud18) July 31, 2022
Love the songs #ekvillanreturns https://t.co/b77EEEtqlm
— Farah Naz I ❤️PTI #VoteforIK (@FarahNaz2016) July 30, 2022
Fri 7.05 cr,
Sat 7.47 cr,
Sun 9.02 cr.
Total: ₹ 23.54 cr.@TheJohnAbraham@mohit11481@JohnAbrahamCLUB @VenetiaSarll @aliaa_JA_ @TheJafcians @AarushiJafc @Sshine077 @TheRiteshJohn @TheSureshJohn @Crazy4JAbraham @FcAbrahamfans @JohnAbraham_On #DishaPatani pic.twitter.com/arCaLU1mCm— Asad Jafc (@AsadJafc) August 1, 2022
@TheJohnAbraham #JohnAbraham #EkVillainReturns #EkVillainReturnsreview #EkVillianReturns #EkVillanReturns #EkVillain3 #EkVillain #ekvillainreturnsconcert #ekvillainreturn #ekvillainreturnstrailer #ekvillianreturnstrailer https://t.co/x4jaHhJRwV
— John Abraham Fan’s (@asadnawaz94) August 2, 2022
⭐️⭐️⭐️(3/5)#EkVillainReturns is full of glamour & good music where #MohitSuri narrates a gripping plot that revolves around one sided love, serial killings & of course, the path to achieve it…with his own expertise in this very genre…the sequel does… pic.twitter.com/ylp4cO0C3b— Nishit Shaw (@NishitShawHere) July 28, 2022
Arjun Kapoor acted so well in the movie and the audience is praising him for his role.
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Arjun will be also seen in The lady killer which is directed by Ajay Bahl. John Abraham has signed for many films like Pathaan, Mike, Tehran, and Raakh. Tara will be seen in Apurva and Disha will be seen in the sequel of Malang, Malang 2.